Author: admin

  • Skin Care

    This is for facial Skin Care, as well as near your neck and ears and such.

    I am a firm believer that Tretinoin should be used by everybody, DYOR on said product.

    There’s 2(3) skin types.

    Dry | Oily | Hybrid

    There’s 3 (like 8) things you should do based off your type

    Cleanse | Moisturize | Sunscreen SPF50 or higher

    If you are a women or a vein male, you can also exfoliate and some other shit they do, I don’t care.

    You are to ALWAYS put Sunscreen on, and possibly reapply every 2 hours

    If you have DRY skin

    Optional Cleanse (with Lukewarm/Cold water)
    Moisturize Face (Product of Choice)
    5-15 minutes later apply Sun Screen (Product of Choice)

    Cleanse (Product of Choice)
    5-15 minutes later apply Moisturizer (Product of Choice)

    If you have Oily skin do the same as Dry, but cleanse with product twice, you may also benefit from Trent more, and should consider exfoliating.

    There are different types of moisturizing creams. I use these products cause I’m lazy, if you are DRY you should probably use a gel-ish moisturizer or a thick cream, if you are Oily you should use some weird water stuff, kinda like what I have ( I think).

    If you have HYBRID you gotta figure it out…

    Moisturize your body depending on what you need, it’s almost identical to face anyways.

  • Hair Loss Protection / Recovery

    Prevention First

    First Line Of Defense
    Aside from the basic stuff, like do not wash your hair everyday (consider EOD or MWF), avoid harsh chemicals, and use proper washing, here’s what you can do.

    First, get a shower hair catcher, just to make sure you are actually worthy of getting some of these, you should be losing something like 50-100 hairs? Also, you will only notice hair loss after losing about 20-30% of your hair follicles already….

    1% Ketoconazole Shampoo

    Used to treat severe dandruff, this ANTI-DHT shampoo is great at preventing the Testosterone > DHT effects on places it’s applied to (i.e your hair). Allegedly, better than 2% Minoxidil for Androgenic Alopecia.

    Second Line Of Defense

    5% Minoxidil
    First Line Of Defense
    Aside from the basic stuff, like do not wash your hair everyday (consider EOD or MWF), avoid harsh chemicals, and use proper washing, here’s what you can do.

    First, get a shower hair catcher, just to make sure you are actually worthy of getting some of these, you should be losing something like 50-100 hairs? Also, you will only notice hair loss after losing about 20-30% of your hair follicles already….

    1% Ketoconazole Shampoo

    Used to treat severe dandruff, this ANTI-DHT shampoo is great at preventing the Testosterone > DHT effects on places it’s applied to (i.e your hair). Allegedly, better than 2% Minoxidil for Androgenic Alopecia.

    Second Line Of Defense

    5% Minoxidil

    Generic is basically the same as high end.
    Use as directed.

    Never touched this shit in my life, DYOR

    Nuclear Line Of Defense (most effective, SOME RISK)

    Proscar/Finasteride OR Avodat/Dutasteride
    Estrogen Creams?

    While these 2 medicines are 100% a cure and a fix, google “post finasteride” and DYOR, also I’ve heard about estrogen creams applied topically, but DYOR.

    Honorable Mention
    Hair Transplant

    Recovery Second

    HairScience on Reddit OR

    Stop using Shampoo with
    Sulfates, Parabens, Pthalates, Formaldehyde, Dimethicone, Retinyl palmatite, Alchohol, Toluene, and Imidazolidnyl.

    Is that a big list? Yes.

    What do I do? Google “Best Shampoo Reddit” and click a good one. But I just use the Keto Shampoo

    Also, Only Shampoo EOD, MWF, or E2D’s. Please stop using it daily…..

    ON TOP OF THIS Ensure you have a really good conditioner. I am currently trying out this and this I’ve heard good things about Coconut Oil, but that it’s either a MUST HAVE or a MUST AVOID, so try it out.

    Also, ensure your product is CG and you can use it every single day, and Cruelty free just cause it’s nice.

  • Teeth Whitening / Bad Breathe

    Bad Breathe is fixed by
    -Brushing/Flossing your teeth 1/2 Times Daily
    (and your tongue!)
    -Eating nicer (smelling) foods/drinks
    -Drinking a lot of water
    (64-128fl oz / 1 gallon a day / 2-3mL a day)

    If that doesn’t fix it, you may have an open wound or infection, rotting gums, or something else worth seeing a dentist about.

    (Also use gum and mints, but those don’t “fix” anything)

    Teeth Whitening and “My Protocol” at bottom

    Is Done for 14 days max (21 if you’re brave and retarded)
    Once every 6 months

    The Following can be done in conjunction with each other!

    Firstly, try Crest 3D White Strips or any whitening strips
    (do not buy ones with chlorine dioxide) (destroys enamel)

    Second, try Opalescence Whitening Toothpaste
    (I believe you can use this forever, but it’s $$$$$)
    (You can also use Opalescence PF Whitening Gel Syringes, but those are the 14 day cycle thingy, never used, same with Hydrogen Peroxide / Baking Soda)

    Third, try Coconut Oil
    Use a toothpaste-esq amount, brush, spit out.
    (can, and should be used with the next 2, together)

    Fourth, try Tumeric and Activated Charcoal
    Put a SMALL (like, a dash) amount into a bowl (that you don’t care gets stained, I mean this), mix with coconut oil, brush teeth with it, then spit it out like normal.
    (You may get small “rocks” in teeth after, use Mouthwash)
    Your teeth will look like someone shit on them, and your toothbrush WILL LOOK DISGUSTING, it means nothing, but if you want, use a “burner” toothbrush or something.

    Fifth (no other options) Get a Laser teeth whitening for 100-1000 dollars.

    My Protocol: 10-14 days

    AM: Opalescence Toothpaste Brushing (2min)
    PM (after last meal) : 3D Strips (read directions)
    PM (15-30 before bed): AM + Oil/Tum/Char Brush (4min)

    I also naturally chew a fuck ton of gum, so yeah.

    Your Teeth Get Naturally Stained, But Avoid “Staining”
    Sugar (natural and refined and artificial)
    Dyes / Food Color

    Brush Teeth/Chew Gum / Mouthwash after each meal

  • Cardio

    Is the most important exercise for health
    Is not needed at all for gains or strength
    All you need for health and stuff is minimum
    Max (for me) seemed to be when I I’d be doing to much

    Minimums In One Week (pick one or mix and match)
    75 Minutes of HIIT
    150 Minutes of MISS
    300 Minutes of LISS

    Maximums In One Week (Personal Experince)
    300 Minute of HIIT
    600 Minutes of MISS
    900 Minutes of LISS

    Morning Fasted (excluding HIIT)
    After/Before Workout (before leaves me tired)
    Actual #’s:
    Best > 24hrs apart, No Change in 6hrs though.

    High Intensity Interval Training
    Moderate Intensity Steady State
    Low Intensity Steady State

    Examples of HIIT:
    Sprints, Interval Swim, Interval Cycling, Rowing

    Examples of MISS:
    Incline Treadmill, Elliptical, Swimming , StairMaster

    Examples of LISS:
    Walking, Cycling (leisure), Treading Water, Shopping

    Best Cardio?
    the one you actually do
    Low Impact > Moderate Impact > High Impact
    Swim/Ellip > Cycle/IncTread > Jog/Sprint

    Recommendations / Ideas
    AM Cardio for 30m Daily
    10k steps
    MISS for 45-60 OFF / 15-30 ON AFTER WORKOUT
    HIIT for 15-30m OFF Days

    Most Enjoyable > Lowest Impact > Most Calories Burned

    Make It Easier
    Buy a fucking machine
    Stationary Bike, Treadmill, Elliptical, Rower

    Ideas to get to it:
    Only watch “fun stuff” on the machine
    Take some caffeine pre-workout
    Do it daily. Just like the gym, eventually you get used to it
    Receive a “reward” post workout – i.e if you do drugs, porn, etc. (but be extremely careful with this one, lmao)

  • Supplements/Extra Tips For Nutrition


    Fish Oil
    1.6-3.0g of DHA/EPA (combined) a day
    This is like 6-10 a day (of the cheaps) I know….
    You can use something like the link and take 3-6
    Most people lack these Essential Fatty Acids
    Keeps Omega 3/6 ratio balanced
    Gets Fats In For “Free” (I hate fats)

    Technically there’s a g/kg amount, but I think 5g is average.
    Pretty much one of the only “natty” sups that work.
    Retain more muscular water = fuller, able to push more
    “””Allegedly””” causes balding (no)

    2-6mg/kg (please god don’t take 6mg in one sitting)
    Boosts athletic/cognitive performance
    Suppresses appetite
    Can taste yummy (open caps, pour into bottle, add mio)

    3-10g, I use 6g
    I think malate is better but you need more?
    L-Arganine worse than both.
    Increases Nitric Oxide

    Also Good/Useful (No Links)
    Ephedrine (Bronkaid/Primatine)
    25mg 4 hours apart 3x a day with 200mg of caffeine
    ^Google “ECA Stack” leave the A out

    Amino Acids In Their Base Form (Theanine, Tyrosine, Lysine, Glycine, Glutamine, Etc.) All serve a good different purpose.



    Multivitamin/Sups you are missing (get bloodwork)


    While Bulking attempt to consume as little “food volume” as possible, this makes cutting easier by adding low cal veggies and feeling full later
    Do the opposite if you started as a skeleton

    While cutting, do literally anything except consume food/fitness content.

    Buy a food scale

    Start with 1 change and then change more later


    Google “anabolic recipes” if you are a sweet freak, remember to watch your fat content though, also these are really high in volume

    Some people like barely eating throughout the day then eating 1 big meal, others like 6 smaller meals.

    Eat 1g/lb protein daily, eat some of it in each meal, then eat fats, then eat your carbs, also do not eat distracted

  • Progressive Overload

    The long definition

    My Definition:

    Monday I did 3 sets of 12 reps on Bench at 65 pounds
    (i use dumbbells)
    Thursday I did 3 sets of 12 reps on Bench at 65 pounds
    Monday I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps on Bench at 70 pounds
    Monday I do 4 sets of 12 reps on Bench at 65 pounds
    (depending on total sets/week volume)

    This applies to literally everything in life by the way

    Anti-Social Sperg
    Talk to cashier in real life
    Talk to random stranger
    Talk to women (or whatever the goal was)

    Take 5 dollars, buy 2 bags of chips, sell to some kid for 6
    ETC > ETC > ETC

  • Strength

    Imma keep it a buck 50, I don’t do any strength training. I’m not even going to tell you a recommendation aside from what I know.

    You won’t get hypertrophy until you hit about 6-8, so yeah, don’t think you’ll get huge on this

    3-8 reps
    1-5 Sets
    2-5 Days a week

    Yes, that’s for each muscle (the reps/set)
    Leave 48-72 hours of rest per muscle group.

    There are some pretty good Powerlifting Athlete’s
    But, all of them are on gear
    However the method remains

    Oh, also don’t do 2 compounds on the same day, unless you know what the fuck you are doing it for.




  • Hypertrophy

    Training for the breakdown of new muscle fiber (i.e how to actually make “gainz”)

    Now, take what I’m about to post with a grain of salt, everyone is different, however these are the “averages” of “optimal”. Personally, I am of the opinion of progressive overload, not “akshuallie u can still gather the same stimulus at the same weight” fuck off.

    First off,
    2-3(4) times per week, per muscle group.
    Second off,
    6-8 sets to MAINTAIN muscle / 12-16 to GAIN
    Third off,
    If it’s a smaller muscle (Arms,Shoulders,Abs)
    half the amount I just told you (maybe not shoulders)
    Fourth off,
    You can only do so much per day/week/month
    You can’t do 16 for each muscle
    (^Not exactly true, but you get the point of CNS fatigue)
    You can however do 12 for 8 muscles (fake number), then 8 for 2, then 16 for 2(sorta).
    MOST (all but the advanced) can probably do 12 for everything for a looonggg time (2ish years).

    The former comments are in sets per week.
    So if you do 3 chest presses Mon/Thur, that’s 6
    If you do 6, Mon/Thur, that’s 12.
    Personally, after 4-6 sets a DAY, I get fatigued.

    Ideally, you want 24-48 hours to let a muscle rest
    Smaller > 24 / Bigger > 48
    I.E Chest > Mon/Thur – Arms > Mon/Wen/Fri

    Reps For Each Set

    With Free-Weights
    Chest – 8-12
    Back – 8-12
    Shoulders – 8-12
    Arms (Tri/Bi) – 12-15

    Quads – 8-12
    Hams – 8-12
    Glutes – 12-15
    Calves 12-15

    With Cables/Machines/Isolation
    Change the 8-12 to 12-15
    Change the 12-15 to 15-20

    Abs – Get to 12-18% BF as well
    Train Them Like You Would Arms
    Seem People Need (like doing) High Reps
    Decline Crunches / Leg Raises Work Best for Me
    I do them weighted, no you can’t do them weighted yet.

    Some Examples
    Back – Lat Pulldown = 8-12 / Pullups (not weighted) = 12-15
    Shoulders – OHP = 8-12 / Lateral Raises (cable) = 12-15

    Quads – Leg Press = 8-12 / Leg Extension = 12-15
    Hams – RDL = 8-12 / Leg Curl = 12-15

    Calisthenics = 20-25
    Calisthenics is good for that, not “real” hypertrophy
    However, most people should do some calisthenics
    When I first started I couldn’t do 1 Pushup
    But I fucking hate Pushups, holy fuck fuck Pushups

    ~Mike Israetel
    ~Eric Helms
    ~Layne Norton

  • Macros

    The three macro nutrients are:
    Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates
    (Most > Least Important)
    If you are above 200 pounds, use height in CM

    Protein 4cals/g
    Is the building block of muscle building
    Most Satiating Macro By Calorie/Satiety
    1.6-2.4g/kg OR 0.72-1.0g/lb BW
    More isn’t better, don’t go under 1.6 or 0.72 ever
    I recommend 2.0g/kg or 0.8g/lb

    Fat 9cals/g
    Is needed to ensure proper hormonal production
    Most Satiating Macro (allegedly)
    0.5g-1.0g/lb OR 0.25-0.5g/lb BW
    Average consensus is 0.3g/lb

    Carbs 4cals/g
    The bodies easiest and most wanted source of energy
    Replenishes glycogen/Best for sports performance
    Most Voluminous macro (veggies n shit)
    Remaining calories – Try to put around pre/post workout

    Example for 175-180 pound MALE

    Cutting: 2000

    Maintenance: 2500

    Bulking: 2750

    ~Mike Israetel
    ~Eric Helms
    ~Layne Norton

  • Calories

    Calories are the determining factor of body weight
    You have a “maintenance” calories – Maintain Weight
    This is ABOUT 2250-2750 calories – Track yourself
    TDEE Calculator I Use
    1 Pound is ROUGHLY 3500 calories
    Eating 500 extra calories, 7 days a week = 1 Pound
    3500 calories over maintenance in 1 day = 1 Pound

    I own a food scale, and weigh everything, then log it into LoseIt! Yeah it sucks, but do it for at least 4 weeks. Then throw it away if you don’t like it I don’t care. Just understand how much calories you are taking in (weigh the fucking oil and ketchup you fat fuck, I don’t care that it’s “only a little”, one ounce of oil is 120 calories, and one ounce of ketchup is 30)

    Bulk – Gain Muscle While Minimizing Fat Gain
    To Bulk eat at a surplus of roughly
    Beginner = 375 calories
    Intermediate = 250 calories
    Advanced = 125 calories
    Elite = 0-75 calories
    Anything above intermediate should really just not even care to be honest

    Cut – Lose Fat While Minimizing Muscle Loss
    To Cut eat at a deficit of roughly
    20%+ BF = 750-1000 calories
    15%+ BF = 500-750 calories
    10%+ BF = 250-500 calories
    This is actually not the lowest you can go, this is because it is extremely “unsafe and unsustainable” when you do what I’m about to post

    You can actually cut at
    Divide BF% / 15% – Take # as a %, then * it by Body W
    25% / 15% = 1.66…..
    1.67% * 225 = 3.75 pounds per week
    3.75 * 500 = 1875 calorie deficit

    When cutting/bulking, the first/second week should be disregarded to some extent. You lose/gain ABOUT 5/10 pounds of water. Best results come from 2-4 weeks of consistent weighing in and tracking. I’m not even going to link a body scale for that dude….

    There are different stressors that cause water weight fluctuations.
    To name a few:
    Salt/Sodium, Stress, Water, Excess Carbs (glycogen stores), Food, Pee/Poop

    ~Mike Israetel
    ~Eric Helms
    ~Layne Norton